〒814-0180 福岡県福岡市城南区七隈8丁目19-1 福岡大学薬学部
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Fukuoka University, 8-19-1 Nanakuma,
Jonan-ku, Fukuoka 814-0180, Japan
Medicinal Chemistry Lab
Bioactivity of Boronic Acid Derivative Homodimers
Ota K., Zhou J.-R., Yokomizo K., Kozako T., Honda S., Kashige N., Furutachi M., Sumoto K.,
Results Chem., 4, 100559 (2022).
Antiviral Activity of Some C3-Symmetrical N-Methyl Benzylamine-Substituted 1,3,5-Triazines and Related Compounds
Shimomura S., Yokomizo K., Zhou J.-R., Mibu N., Furutachi M., Sumoto K.,
Heterocycles, 104, 1845-1853 (2022).
Hybrid Linker Mode C2-Symmetrical 1,3,5-Triazine Derivatives and Their Biological Evaluation
Shimomura S., Yokomizo K., Zhou J.-R., Ota K., Mibu N., Furutachi M., Sumoto K.,
Heterocycles, 102, 2379-2390 (2021).
Some New C3- and Cs-Symmetrical Trialkylamino- Substituted 1,3,5-Triazines and Their Biological Evaluation
Shimomura S., Inoue Y., Kawano Y., Fujita Y., Yamada K., Matsumoto Y., Yokomizo K., Zhou J.-R., Ota K.,
Mibu N., Furutachi M., Sumoto K.,
Heterocycles, 100, 1657-1665 (2020).
Some Hybrid Linker Mode C2-Symmetrical 1,3,5-Triazine Derivatives and Their Biological Evaluation
Mibu N., Furutachi M., Inoue Y., Fujita Y., Matsumoto Y., Kawano Y., Tomonaga S., Matsuyama J., Yamada K., Sato R., Yokomizo K., Zhou J.-R., Shimomura S., Ota K., Sumoto K.,
Heterocycles, 98, 1580-1588 (2019).
Anti-proliferative Activities of Some Bivalent Symmetrical 5-Substituted Hydantoin Derivatives towards
Human Brain Glioma U251 Cells (U251) and Human Carcinoma Cells (KB3-1)
Furutachi M., Ota K., Fujisaki F., Ikeda R., Yoshikawa N., Yokota T., Takeda Y., Yokomizo K., Zhou J.-R.,
Kashige N., Miake F., Sumoto K.,
Biol. Pharm. Bull., 42, 1953-1956 (2019).
Anti-proliferative Activities towards Human Brain Glioma U251 Cells and Human Carcinoma Cells (KB3-1) of
Some Twin-Drug Type Bivalent C2-Symmetrical Phenylboronic Acid Derivatives
Furutachi M., Gondo T., Ikeda R., Yoshikawa N., Yokota T., Takeda Y., Yokomizo K., Zhou J.-R., Kashige N.,
Miake F., Sumoto K.,
Biol. Pharm. Bull., 42, 833-836 (2019).
Preparation of Some Novel Trisubstituted 1,3,5-Triazines and Hybrid Linker Mode 1,3,5-Triazine Derivatives
and Their Biological Evaluation
Mibu N., Yokomizo K., Yamada K., Matsuyama J., Tomonaga S., Sakai I., Sato R., Kawano Y., Matsumoto Y.,
Fujita Y., Inoue Y., Iida M., Hashiguchi K., Zhou J.-R., Furutachi M., Sumoto K.,
Heterocycles, 98, 489-508 (2019).
Carbohydrate Recognition of C3-Symmetrical Tripodal Receptor-type 2,4,6-Trisubstituted 1,3,5-Triazine
Derivatives with Antiviral Activities
Mibu N., Ohata T., Sano M., Zhou J.-R., Yokomizo K., Aki H., Sumoto K.,
J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 135, 2807-2811 (2019).
Preparation and Antiviral Activity of Some New C3- and Cs-Symmetrical Tri-substituted Triazine Derivatives
Having Benzylamine Substituents
Mibu N., Yokomizo K., Sano M., Kawaguchi Y., Morimoto K., Shimomura S., Sato R., Hiraga N., Matsunaga
A., Zhou J.-R., Ohata T., Aki H., Sumoto K.,
Chem. Pharm. Bull., 66, 830-838 (2018).
Preparation of Novel Bivalent Linker Mode Phenylboronic Acid Derivatives and Their Biological Evaluation
Furutachi M., Matsumoto A., Tamenaga T., Sugita A., Kuroiwa M., Yokomizo K., Zhou J.-R., Kashige N.,
Miake F., Sumoto K.,
Heterocycles, 96, 1088-1100 (2018).
Novel Trivalent C3-Symmetrical Phenylboronic Acid Pinacol Esters and Their Biological Evaluation
Furutachi M., Fuchigami S., Ako K., Goto S., Gondo T., Takuse M., Yoshida M., Yokomizo K., Zhou J.-R.,
Matsunaga A., Hiraga N., Kashige N., Miake F., Sumoto K.,
Heterocycles, 96, 144-151 (2018).
Novel C2-Symmetrical Phenylboronic Acid Pinacol Esters with a Few Types of Linkers and Their Biological
Furutachi M., Gondo T., Goto S., Fuchigami S., Ako K., Oowada Y., Yokomizo K., Zhou J.-R., Ishizaki T.,
Koga T., Kashige N., Miake F., Sumoto K.,
Heterocycles, 94, 1748-1758 (2017).
Antiviral Activities of Some New 2,4,6-Trisubstituted 1,3,5-Triazines Having Alkoxy and/or Alkylamino
Mibu N., Yokomizo K., Yuzuriha A., Otsubo M., Kawaguchi Y., Sano M., Sakai I., Nakayama K., Zhou J.-R.,
Sumoto K.,
Heterocycles, 94, 1653-1677 (2017).
Novel Trivalent C3-Symmetrical Phenylboronic Acid Pinacol Esters
Furutachi M., Fuchigami S., Gondo T., Goto S., Ako K., Sumoto K.,
Org. Prep. Proced. Int., 49, 287-292 (2017).
Oxidative Aromatization and N-Oxidation of 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinoline and -Isoquinoline Derivatives using
Sodium Tungstate in the Presence of Activated Carbon-molecular Oxygen
Tagawa Y., Inagaki M.,
Trend. Org. Chem., 18, 97-100 (2017).
Trend. Org. Chem.
Unique Physicochemical and Catalytic Properties Dictated by the B3NO2 Ring System
Noda H., Furutachi M., Asada Y., Shibasaki M., Kumagai N.,
Nat. Chem., 9, 571-577 (2017).
Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis of the C1-C15 Segment of Spirastrellolide A
Sahara Y., Cui J., Furutachi M., Chen J., Watanabe T., Shibasaki M.,
Synthesis, 49, 69-75 (2017).
Preparation and Biological Activity of Novel Twin-drug Type C2-Symmetrical Cyclic Phenylboronic Acid
Furutachi M., Ejima A., Tsuru R., Goto S., Gondo T., Ako K., Fuchigami S., Fujii S., Okumura A., Tozuka A.,
Yokomizo K., Zhou J.-R., Inao H., Ono Y., Kashige N., Miake F., Sumoto K.,
Heterocycles, 95, 517-524 (2017).
Antiviral Activity and Molecular Geometry of Some New Symmetrical Tris(aminoalkyl)amine Derivatives
Mibu N., Yokomizo K., Murakami K., Ono Y., Ishimaru M., Otsubo M., Inao H., Ono Y., Zhou J.-R., Sumoto
Chem. Pharm. Bull., 64, 1769-1780 (2016).